United Arts Council

Make a Mosaic! Creativity with Color Pattern Blocks

Make a Mosaic! Creativity with Color Pattern Blocks

Learn and create with professional teaching artist, Jeannette Brossart! Students will use multi-colored square tiles and grid trays, for this hands-on experience which can incorporate math (patterning, sorting, counting, array, length/width, area/perimeter, fractions), literacy, and art. The resulting work can be displayed for students, teachers and families.  Jeannette is uniquely qualified as a teaching artist to work with your group to facilitate an experience for every participant.  The residency can be designed with accommodations for specific disabilities or other learning needs.


Tapestry of Songwriting

Tapestry of Songwriting

Tapestry of Songwriting is a customizable music education program offering 1-day workshops and multi-day residencies focusing on songwriting and lyrical storytelling, tailored to curriculum-based or thematic approaches and culminating in student-led song creation and performance.

Follow the Rules, Why???

During the lesson the students will learn why it is important to follow the rules and be a good citizen. Students will use tableau (a theater technique that will breathe...