United Arts Council

Wake Forest Dance Festival in Joyner Park presented by ARTS Wake Forest, Town of Wake Forest, October 5, 2019
Wake Forest Dance Festival in Joyner Park presented by ARTS Wake Forest


United Arts supports schools, organizations, individual artists, and municipalities whose work builds a better Wake County through the arts.

  • Artist Support Grants  fund professional and artistic development for emerging and established artists to create work, improve their studio operations, or bring their work to new audiences.
  • Arts for Towns Grants support arts programming by North Carolina-based artists in municipalities across Wake County.
  • Community Spotlight Project Grants support innovative, arts-related projects that feature or are led by historically underrepresented communities.
  • Mission Support Grants support Wake-based arts organizations that provide specific types of arts programming throughout Wake County.

Jan 16

NCCMI: Performance Review 3

6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Talented students from the North Carolina Chamber Music Institute perform their fall semester repertoire for the public.

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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