United Arts Council

A woman on a stage with three children is telling a story.
The Artists in Schools Expo in 2023


Artists in Schools Expo

The Artists in Schools Expo occurs annually each August, bringing together artists and community members who schedule cultural arts programming. If you are interested in opportunities to volunteer during this event email Julia at [email protected].

Cultural Arts Representative

Cultural Arts Representatives are partners we rely on to coordinate arts programming for their schools and serve as the primary liaison between the school and an artist. See more information about becoming involved as a cultural arts representative.

Special Events

We are always looking for volunteers to help us with event coordination and management. If you are interested in supporting United Arts at one of our fun and varied special events, please contact our Fundraising Assistant, Amber Williamson, here. 

Jul 29

WTF Town Hall

7:30 pm–9:00 pm

A series of weekly Town Hall forums curated by The National Women's Theatre Festival about, for, and with theatremakers.

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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