Brighten your School with Colorful Banners Students will enjoy creating large, vibrant, impressive fabric banners that are permanently installed in your school lobby or other location…
Australian Immersion Residency Paul Taylor offers one week residencies to model & teach students through an arts integrative, interactive, multi-disciplined experience…
ABCD’s: Adaptive Beats Classroom Drumming and Song In most rhythmacultures around the planet, rhythm, song, and dance are entwined in the special occasions around which communities gather.
American Indian History through Pottery and Art Students will be introduced to Senora Lynch, a member of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe of North Carolina.
A Journey Through Rhythms: Percussion Workshop Through this workshop Alex presents the evolution of musical rhythms from the African diaspora to the rich musical genre's of the Caribbean …
Adaptive Music with Push Play Sing Push Play Sing's Adaptive Music Workshops offer a vibrant and inclusive environment for group music-making, where students of all abilities …
Abstract Amoebas and Single-Celled Organisms Create a colorful, site-specific outdoor installation with professional artists Anna Podris and Keith Norval.