Ego Tripping & The Marvelous “I”: An Introduction to Performance Slam Poetry In these spoken word performance workshops, participants will use “imagery” to create a poems that incorporate pop culture & autobiograp…
Drum Talk: Music Workshop Beverly guides students in a hands-on music celebration, blending creativity and global percussion with basic techniques of drumming from Af…
Drums for All: A Music Program for Students with Disabilities Beverly guides students with disabilities in a hands-on music journey, with drums from Africa and Latin America and percussion colors from a…
Digging Deep for the Roots of Bluegrass Music Residency This popular 3-5 day classroom residency program for grades 2-5 offers up to five virtual or in-class sessions/day, plus an optional assembl…
Customized STEAM Residency Using Storytelling When you listen to a storm or walk through the forest, you can hear nature's special symphony, an old story that has been told over and over…
Collaborative Installation: Art and Science Through tailored, grade-appropriate residencies, students will learn about the mysteries of the natural world while creating a large scale p…
Coming to America Your students arrive in America in 1901 with nothing but a steamer trunk and their dreams, and discover how to live in a new country without…
Black Box Dance Workshops and Residencies to MOVE Curriculum Black Box believes the best way to understand something differently/deeper/authentically is to make a dance about it! Workshops are designed…
Blues in Education Workshops Workshops offer students the opportunity to experience music in one of three ways: THE AFRICAN ROOTS OF COOLNESS – explores the surprising A…
Batik! Create your own unique fiber art BATIK Fiber Art: Students create their own exciting, individual Batiks, and develop an understanding of this success oriented, self-esteem b…