See, Think, Write! This lesson will have students work in groups to discuss and order art work based on sequence of events and create a narrative based on one …
Shadow Pigs Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to recount a folktale/fable in order and be able to convey the central message of the …
Tap To Tens and Ones Students will "tap out" demonstrating their knowledge of how many tens and ones are in the numbers 11-19.
The Adventures of Koala Lou by Mem Fox After reading the book by Mem Fox, Koala Lou, children will retell the story adding a hand motion to the ever famous "Koala Lou, I do love y…
The Adventures of Koala Lou To introduce the reading Koala Lou by Mem Fox, the students will identify the characters, setting, and the beginning, middle, and end of the…
The Art of Music The student will be able to listen and interpret a piece of music creating a painting illustrating their thoughts and ideas.