The Art of Music

Sierra Wooden, Nerissa Gilchrist, Autumn McCord, April Labadie, Yivecka Hines, Elena Lopez, Jan Prevatte

The student will be able to listen and interpret a piece of music creating a painting illustrating their thoughts and ideas. They will then be able to ask and answer questions about their thoughts, feelings, and artwork.


Music player
Paper (the thicker, the better. Ask your art teacher for assistance)
Washable acrylic paint
Apron (or anything to protect students’ clothing)
Music- The Four Seasons- Spring


1. Introduce elements of music (loud, soft, fast, slow tempos) using different clips of music.
1. Allow students to lay on the carpet with their eyes closed, as a group, to listen to different music clips. Ask them to think about how the music makes them feel as they listen.
2. After each individual clip, allow the students to discuss how the music made them feel.
3. Discuss the different tempos of the music (is it as slow as a turtle, or fast like a cheetah). Discuss how the tempos of the music makes them feel.
4. Ask the students if they saw any colors or shapes in their minds while listening to the clips of music. If so, discuss those images. If not, play additional music.
2. Next, introduce the activity to the students.
a. Tell the students to remember what we have discussed about the pieces of music, how it made us feel, and the images we saw in our mind.
b. Introduce a new piece of music that the students will create a painted illustration from. Allow the students to listen to the piece of music once, keeping in mind that they will paint how the music makes them feel and what images they see.
c. Next, have students return to their seats. Prepare to pass out materials for assignment.
d. Remind the students of the rules of using paint, then pass out paint and materials.
e. Play the music clip and ask the students to paint what they see and how they feel. Ask them to illustrate their thoughts, feelings, and images they see through their artwork.
3. After the clip is done playing and the students are done painting, allow them to share.
a. Teacher and students may ask essential questions
b. What types of colors did you use in your painting, why?
c. How did the music make you feel?
d. How does your painting show your feelings?
e. if your students have issues with asking questions, you can have preexisting questions typed up and have students ask those questions to begin the discussion.

Differentiation Approaches

1. For learners that finish quickly but carelessly have them check in with you after they listen and before they paint to ensure that they have all ideas considered.
2. For learners that finished early and successfully complete their painting have them go to a listening center in the classroom to listen to a new piece of music and construct a new piece of art using markers instead of paint.


1. Checklist
2. Questioning

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

Discuss with the students/ have the students write about any similarities or differences in their classmates paintings. Talk about how the different tempos are illustrated through different brush strokes, different colors (light colors vs. dark colors).

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