
Erin Gannon

The learner will be able to:
1. name and describe a variety of landforms and water features
2. recognize the landforms and water features found in NC
3. locate important landforms and water features on a map and be able to name the corresponding NC region(s)
4. create a book that is well written and neatly presented
5. collaborate with a small group of students


iPads or computers for research
6×6 square-cut papers (construction, patterned, painted by students, etc.) – 7 per group
12×9 sheets of construction paper for book pages – at least 10 per group
Shaped scissors
Writing paper for planning out the pages
Markers, colored pencils, crayons


Days 1-2: Share book and practice with art form:
1. Read the book Perfect Square by Michael Hall and talk about the different ways the author changed the original square to create different things. How were the smaller pieces made? (by tearing, cutting with a straight edge, cutting with shaped scissors, etc.)
2. Give each student a piece square paper to practice with and ask them to transform it into something different. They should glue it to a background paper and may add detail to it with pencil, crayon, marker, etc.
3. Each student will share his/her creation, telling the group how the square was decomposed (torn, cut, etc.) and what it is (or ask the group to guess). This provides students an opportunity to see other possibilities and will hopefully encourage variety.

Book Requirements:
1. Seven landforms or water features that can be found in NC (must include both types).
2. On the front side of the page: the landform/water feature made from the paper square.
3. On the back side of the page: a student-written definition of the vocabulary word and description of where it can be found in NC and, if possible, how it contributes to the economy of the area. (*if there is a well-known landmark that can be highlighted, include that as well!)
4. A book cover that includes a title and all group member names.

Days 2-4: Create book as a group:
1. Provide students with guidelines for the project. Model the process and create a sample page with the students. Be sure to ask that they contribute ideas.
2. Group the students and let them get to it!
3. Work together to come up with a list of seven landforms/water features (both must be included) found in NC and then research each one.
4. Write a definition of each and include a second chunk of text that provides notable examples, region(s) where it can be found and how it impacts the economy of the area, if possible.
5. Work together to create artistic versions of each word from a square sheet of patterned or solid paper and embellished with other media like marker or crayon.
6. Create a catchy title and cover for the book that includes the author/artist’s names.

Differentiation Approaches

Selective grouping


Teacher observation, checklist

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

Use this approach to teach other areas of the curriculum.

Additional Details

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