The Adventures of Koala Lou by Mem Fox

Pam Maloney

Lesson Goals

Children will be able to orally retell the story in sequence major events in the beginning, middle and end of story. They will incorporate body movements to depict the repetitive phrase “Koala Lou, I do love you”

After reading the book by Mem Fox, Koala Lou, children will retell the story adding a hand motion to the ever famous “Koala Lou, I do love you”


Koala Lou by Mem Fox
Sentence strips
Pictures of animals


After reading Koala Lou by Mem Fox, the children will retell the story while incorporating a pattern of motions for the phrase “Koala Lou, I do love you”
Discuss and model beginning, middle and ending in motion, sounds and visual.

Activate previous knowledge by reviewing vocabulary. Question students if they have ever seen a koala? Where can we find koalas?
Read Koala Lou by Mem Fox one time without stopping. Then read again and discuss the sequence of events and vocabulary.
6 students will come to the front of the room and each will be given one word to say in sequence “Koala Lou I do love you”
This will be practiced several times switching the beginning child (word). Chart paper brainstorm and describe the beginning middle and end on a graphic organizer. Then each child will be asked to create a motion to go with that word. Practice in saying words and motion in unison (entire class).
Based on the retelling in the graphic organizer, children take turns telling the beginning middle and end of story. Incorporate the motion when appropriate.

Differentiation Approaches

1. ESL students may use the sentence strips and the pictures to retell the story.
2. The student may also use the vocabulary board to reference when telling the story.


Performance task: each child will be asked to retell the story. This should include major events in beginning, middle and end. The student will also be able to incorporate the motion with the phrase.

Level 3 – student can retell the story with details depicting beginning, middle and end while integrating the motion at the appropriate time in the story.
Level 2 – student can tell main idea of each part of the story – beginning middle and end. Student may know the motion for the phrase but does not use it at appropriate time.
Level 1- student can retell some of the story but not in order/correctly. Student may or may not use the motion with the phrase.

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

The students will be asked to change the ending of the story. Perform in small group or individually.
The student will explain why he/she chose to end it that way.

Additional Details

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