Exploring Communication and Cooperation with Mask Doug conducts versions of this 45-60 minute interactive workshop for elementary to high school students.
Diggery Digger’s Dino Adventure While Paleontologist Diggery Diggers is showing his fossils to a live audience, he discovers a “top secret” box the museum accidentally pack…
Creekside: The Journey of a Young Environmentalist Creekside: The Journey of a Young Environmentalist is the story of Mia, a young girl who discovers something wrong with the creek behind her…
Coming to America Your students arrive in America in 1901 with nothing but a steamer trunk and their dreams, and discover how to live in a new country without…
Australian Immersion Residency Paul Taylor offers one week residencies to model & teach students through an arts integrative, interactive, multi-disciplined experience…
A Show of Virtues Inspired by "The Children's Book of Virtues, Grey Seal has produced an enlightening program of stories from around the world including "The …
Aliens Alive – A Space STEAM Adventure While on a routine mission aboard The Story Ship rocket, Captain Starfield discovers his lead scientist has a been kidnapped by aliens! The …
Allan Wolf’s Voices from the Titanic Award-winning author, Allan Wolf, demonstrates how he transforms historical fact into historical fiction.
Bright Star Touring Season Bright Star Touring Theatre’s engaging 45 minute plays help students develop an appreciation for theatre while connecting to a wide variety …