United Arts Council

Diggery Digger’s Dino Adventure

Diggery Digger’s Dino Adventure

While Paleontologist Diggery Diggers is showing his fossils to a live audience, he discovers a “top secret” box the museum accidentally pack…
Coming to America

Coming to America

Your students arrive in America in 1901 with nothing but a steamer trunk and their dreams, and discover how to live in a new country without…
Australian Immersion Residency

Australian Immersion Residency

Paul Taylor offers one week residencies to model & teach students through an arts integrative, interactive, multi-disciplined experience…
A Show of Virtues

A Show of Virtues

Inspired by "The Children's Book of Virtues, Grey Seal has produced an enlightening program of stories from around the world including "The …
Bright Star Touring Season

Bright Star Touring Season

Bright Star Touring Theatre’s engaging 45 minute plays help students develop an appreciation for theatre while connecting to a wide variety …

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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