Songwriting for Team Building Charles Pettee's life-long study of the craft of songwriting has led him to develop a method that works with non-musicians and musicians…
This Team ROCKS Team Building Sessions Group drumming is a great metaphor for communication, cooperation, and collaboration.
Read and Bloom! (Interactive Literacy Concert) Zak Morgan’s “Read and Bloom!” program is filled with musical stories, laughter and warmth as he encourages children to learn through readin…
Earthbeat – Heartbeat – Drumbeat – Sing! This program is all about participation! Concerts include sing-a-longs, bang-a-longs, and an improvised song with audience suggestions.
The World of Harps In this assembly, students will see and hear harps from different continents and world cultures.
The Troubadour Tradition This concert is presented in lecture-demo style, demonstrating the role of the singer / songwriter throughout history.
Troika! Students learn two authentic Russian folk dances & accompany themselves with Russian percussion.
Tapestry of Songwriting Facilitated by ChamberSoul singer-songwriter and cellist Shana Tucker, "Tapestry of Songwriting" can be structured as a 1 day workshop, mult…