United Arts Council

What’s in a Word?

Utilizing the song, "Use a Word" by Red Grammer, students will construct tableaux to demonstrate text meaning after studying words and phra…

What’s the Matter!?

The student will be able to identify the various of states of matter, how they change, and be able to compare and contrast the states of mat…

The Adventures of Koala Lou

To introduce the reading Koala Lou by Mem Fox, the students will identify the characters, setting, and the beginning, middle, and end of the…

Tap To Tens and Ones

Students will "tap out" demonstrating their knowledge of how many tens and ones are in the numbers 11-19.

The Art of Music

The student will be able to listen and interpret a piece of music creating a painting illustrating their thoughts and ideas.

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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