Expressions Everywhere Rather than rushing to immediately solve math expressions, student exploration of the concept demands deeper understanding.
Cinderella Around the World The students will have an understanding of various cultures through the use of dance and music using various versions of Cinderella fairy ta…
Above, Below and Around the Corner Upon lesson completion, students will understand and demonstrate use of positional vocabulary to communicate movement and location.
Analyzing a Screenplay Students learn about main ideas and supporting details by summarizing their own character traits and relationships, and analyzing characters…
Another Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Students will be able to distinguish between character traits and emotions.
Brainstorming Sounds and Composition of Music from Other Cultures Students will compose music and soundscapes for a work of literature from another culture.
Breathing in the Garden K-5 whole school One Book One School project Who or what brings life to a garden? This is a five month (October, November, January, February…
Bringing Spanish Speaking Countries into the Classroom Unit - Students will be to create a green screen presentation on a Spanish Speaking Country in Spanish that demonstrates and describes where…