United Arts Council

Support Arts Education

We know arts education promotes engagement in school, increased academic success, and social-emotional development of students.

This year our Artists in Schools program provided 137,000 student experiences by placing professional teaching artists into schools for curriculum-based workshops and performances. Our Wheels on the Bus program covered transportation for 55 schools to take an entire grade on a cultural field trip to destinations like the NC Symphony and the NC Museum of Art. These programs enhance the standard course of study and expose youth to art forms they may not have access to through the normal curriculum. SUPPORT NOW!

The opportunities United Arts provides are life changing. Watch to learn more about why the arts are essential for students.

GIVE TODAY and ensure Wake County students will have access to arts education programs next school year!

Your support will help us achieve our goal of providing arts education experiences to all 160,000 Wake County Public elementary and middle school students. 

Sep 14

Dance Workshops by Meera Sreenarayanan

12:00 am–11:59 pm

Leela Foundation is thrilled to offer two opportunities to learn from one of the rising stars of Bharatanatyam, Meera Sreenarayan, this Sept…
Sep 16

Dance Workshops by Meera Sreenarayanan

4:30 pm–8:45 pm

Leela Foundation is thrilled to offer two opportunities to learn from one of the rising stars of Bharatanatyam, Meera Sreenarayan, this Sept…

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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