Peek-A-Boo! Which Region are You? Know the three regions of NC and the physical and cultural characteristics of the region.
Physical Science: Forces and Motion By the end of the unit, students will mime scientific concepts of force and motion to communicate an understanding of the relationship betwe…
Pickin’ an a’ Grinnin’: Shut Your Mouth, That Banjo Came from Africa! The learner will have a deeper understanding of how NC culture has been influenced by historical events using the arts.
Play With Place Value Did you know numbers could turn into music? In this lesson, students will experience place value through playing instruments and creating rh…
Punctuation Produces the Message This lesson was created to help students recognize the importance of punctuation marks.
Reaching for the Gold Medal! Futurism in the Olympics Students will analyze the meaning of the art form of futurism as they create drawing compositions of athletes playing sports inspired by the…
Retelling through Shadow Puppets Student will be able to retell stories including the characters, settings, and major events.
Ruff & Gruff: Wow Words of the Three Billy Goats Gruff Sequence including beginning, middle and end, retelling including characters, setting and major events, vocabulary and the understanding of …
Musical Cents Students will use body percussion and percussion instruments to execute given rhythm patterns and create their own, making connections betwe…