Punctuation Produces the Message

Celeste Petrick

This lesson was created to help students recognize the importance of punctuation marks. Upon completion of this lesson students will recognize punctuation marks and what they are used for, so that their fluency and expression in oral reading will improve.


Mo Williams book – Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.
Any grade level reading text or other book, where each child has access to a copy. A story with lots of dialogue and a variety of sentence and paragraph types is ideal.
White board, or paper to write on.


1. The teacher will introduce the lesson as a review.
2. She will explain that today we will be working on a review of punctuation marks. The first essential question the teacher will ask is why do we use punctuation? She will first ask students to give her examples of some punctuation marks that we most commonly use (If students are unsure she will give the first example as a period by saying this usually ends a statement.) After a question mark, period, comma, and exclamation point have all been named the teacher will tell students very good!
3. Our next step is going to be fun! We will now take each of these punctuation marks and, make a move and, sound to go along with it. She will explain that this not only helps our minds remember the punctuation marks but, by using our bodies it helps us get out of our seats.
4. Make up dance moves as a group (teacher can chose how they want this to be).
5. After the moves are created as a class we will review several times to make sure students have this down.
6. Next, the teacher will say now that we have learned these moves to the punctuation marks we are going to listen to a story by Mo Williams called: Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. I am going to read it twice the first time I just want you all to enjoy listening to the book. The teacher will read the book once with proper expression.
7. Next, the students will identify the types of punctuation through their dance moves she will have them stand up and do this.
8. After that the teacher ask again why do we need punctuation marks. Answers will vary
9. The teacher will discuss proper expression and how important it is to read a question mark, exclamation point, common ect. The right way or it will not sound the way it is supposed to.
10. The teacher will now put students on their own to do some creative writing by creating a short story (fiction or nonfiction) where students must write at least 5 sentences including one of each punctuation mark we talked about.
11. After that students will be broken up into groups of 4 by the teacher and, then in that group read their story to their group.

Differentiation Approaches

1. Due to the fact that this is a review lesson for all students and, that the class is special education students this lesson has been created to their ability.
2. However, due to differentiation for various students I would teach this lesson throughout two – three days.
3. Teacher will consistently walk around the room.
4. Seat students in the front that need to have more attention toward you.
5. Make sure to stop at each student, asking them are they okay.


Teacher will assess students on her directions and how well they followed it. Did they do their writing properly by adding at least one of each punctuation mark? Did they follow along in the dance? Were they participating?

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

End lesson asking if students have questions. Making sure that everyone has the key reasons of the lesson.

Additional Details

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