United Arts Council

The Rhythm of Motion

Students will be able to differentiate between motion vocabulary using STEAM poetry. Students will create dance moves for their poetry to support kinesthetic learning.

This is Art, Period.

Students will be able to identify and state the name of a period. Students will be able to state the purpose of a period.

Unscramble the Preamble

After exploring the depth of each part of the Preamble through the arts, students will gain a greater understanding of the true meaning of this historical document and its place...

Weather in Motion

Students will be able to recognize the three basic cloud types, write poetry and create a visual piece based on point of view, and create dance demonstrating cloud movement.

What’s the Matter!?

...be able to compare and contrast the states of matter. Students will be able to create dance phrases that express ideas use locomotor and non-locomotor movement to create dance pathways....

What’s Your Position?

Students will be able to use positional words when speaking and dancing to compare and contrast the position of objects. Students will be able to demonstrate how a variety of...

Who am I?

To have students identify characters in a story.