Enjoy the day of your school’s program! Take pictures and video and note poignant moments—and please share them with United Arts via social media! Use the hashtag #artistsinschools.
Posting Your Artists in Schools Programs on Social Media
Enjoy the day of your school’s program! Take pictures and video and note poignant moments—and please share them with United Arts via social media! Use the hashtag #artistsinschools.
Posting Your Artists in Schools Programs on Social Media
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Drinking Gourd Gallery is proud to partner with Southeast Regional Library to present Corliss R.12:00 am–11:59 pm
Leela Foundation is thrilled to offer two opportunities to learn from one of the rising stars of Bharatanatyam, Meera Sreenarayan, this Sept…4:30 pm–8:45 pm
Leela Foundation is thrilled to offer two opportunities to learn from one of the rising stars of Bharatanatyam, Meera Sreenarayan, this Sept…