United Arts Council

Introduction for Teacher’s Template

Teachers should have logistics and program information so they can anticipate the event and prepare students. Pertinent information includes program date(s) and time(s), program topic, artist’s name and educational materials, and examples of how to coach students on proper behavior at a cultural arts event.

To help establish buy-in and provide context for the program, it is important to manage teachers’ expectations and convey why the program was selected.

You may modify this template as appropriate.


Our first cultural arts event of the year will take place this DAY, DATEARTIST NAME will lead two assemblies, with _______ grades at TIME and ______ grades at TIME.

These assemblies are made possible by SCHOOL PTA and the United Arts Council of Raleigh & Wake County.

To prepare your students for our first arts assembly of the year, you may consider utilizing the attached study guide.  This guide, created by ARTIST NAME , contains pre and post-assembly information and activities such as LIST A FEW (e.g. instrument descriptions, vocabulary, topics for classroom discussions, writing activities)   —all of which are related to what the students will experience.

The program, PROGRAM NAME FROM DIRECTORY, was selected because LIST A FEW REASONS (e.g. it is loud, fun, completely different than any of the assemblies from the last couple of years; it relates to important topic for school; it connects to classroom curriculum; it connects to a theme day).

In addition, it would be great if you could remind your students what it means to be a good audience member.  Listen with your ears, watch with your eyes, stay in your seat, don’t talk to your neighbor, laugh if something is funny, clap if you like the show . . . are all great audience practices to share with your classes.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

If you want to learn more about ARTIST NAME, click [link from Directory].

ARTIST NAME bio: [You can copy and paste from the online directory.]

Jan 16

NCCMI: Performance Review 3

6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Talented students from the North Carolina Chamber Music Institute perform their fall semester repertoire for the public.

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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