War of 1812: The Making of the US National Anthem

Gay Barnes

What happened during the War of 1812 that changed our nation and gave us our National Anthem?


Song – Star Spangled Banner CD with recording
Discovery Ed. board
Smithsonian website http://amhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/


Day 1
1. Introduce Star Spangled Banner Pass out the pre-test “How has Music affected and is reflected in the history, culture and traditions of the USA”. Give students 10 minutes to complete. Take up pencils and have students discuss their answers. After discussion take up papers.
2. Ask: Why should we know the SSB?
3. Share Discovery Ed. SSB board Discuss.
4. Play song, P. 386, CD22:35 Sing the song.
5. Pre test – How has Music affected and is reflected in the history, culture and traditions of the USA

Day 2
1. Discuss the pre-test “How has Music affected and is reflected in the history, culture and traditions of the USA”.
2. Divide into 4 groups and write what you think the words to the SSB means. Write it so a Kindergartener will understand. Assign 1 phrase to each group. Go over each group’s responses.
3. Ask: Why should we know the SSB?
4. Share Discovery Ed. SSB board Discuss.
5. Play song, P. 386, CD22:35 Sing the song.
6. This week we will discuss more about the SSB and begin memorizing.

Day 3
1. The flag restoration project at the Smithsonian, http://amhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/
2. Look at the Smithsonian site and explain the process the flag went through to be restored and re-displayed in the Smithsonian. Go through the slides and discuss the history of the flag and the restoration process.
3. At the same website, look at the history of Francis Scott Key writing the song.

Day 4
With Ms. Muse, we will review together and then play Kahoot! as a review and assessment.

Differentiation Approaches

Side coaching from teacher or other students.



Follow Up and Extension Ideas

Adapt for significant music from other historical eras.

Additional Details

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