The Many Faces of Cinderella

Sonia Marquez, Kathy Hopkins, Catherine Napolitano, Cindy Martin

1. Students will be able to compare and contrast two different versions of the Cinderella story.
2. Students will be able to identify the country of origin of the Cinderella version.
3. Students will be able to note the cultural aspects inherent in the stories.




Definitions of Critical Vocabulary and Underlying Concepts
1. Compare: examine how two or more things are the same.
2. Contrast: examine how two or more things are different.
3. Commonalities: elements that are the same.
4. Culture: peoples’ way of life, the way they do things.
5. Theme: a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work.

1. The teacher will introduce students to the unit. The class will brainstorm a list of words about the fairy tale to assess the student’s familiarity with the story. The teacher will then read the traditional version of the Cinderella fairy tale.
2. The teacher will then discuss with the class the objectives-“Over the course of the unit, I will be introducing to you various versions of the Cinderella story we just read. I will be giving you the chance to look for patterns in the text that we read, and ask ourselves questions like:
• Are the characters the same?
• Is the setting the same?
• Do the stories have similar patterns of events?
• Are there common themes in the stories?
• What culture or country is represented in the culture?

Direct Instruction
1. Teacher will review the list of words the student’s brainstormed about the traditional Cinderella. Students may add any additional vocabulary they learned after reading it as a class.
2. The teacher will read a different version of the Cinderella story. The teacher will model how to fill in the graphic organizer (see appendix for grade level material). The class will begin the process of comparing and contrasting different versions of the story. The teacher will begin with the story element of character, demonstrating where to place the characters on the graphic organizer. The class will continue to fill in the other story elements from the two versions as a whole group activity.

Guided Practice (The lower grades may want to continue this process as a whole group learning activity. The upper grades can use cooperative learning groups or daily five rotations.)
1. Four students will be assigned to same story. They will work with a partner to fill in the story elements graphic organizer. Upon completion the two pairs will then compare their graphic organizers and combine their ideas into one sheet that will be displayed in class for reference.
2. Using the jigsaw method groups will be reassigned to other groups and they will share their Cinderella story. After each member shares their version, the jigsaw group will vote on which version they found most unlike the traditional story.
3. Students will use a large map to mark the country of origin for their stories. The teacher will direct the students to find partners that fit the following directions. The students will do a think-pair-share with their new partners sharing the inferences they have made about these different countries using the information from their graphic organizers.
a. Find a partner whose story country of origin is in the same continent as your story’s country of origin. What is similar about the two stories?
b. Find a partner whose story country of origin is in a different continent from your story’s country of origin. What is different about the about the cultural aspects you found?
c. Find a partner whose country is north or west of your country. What similarities or differences do you notice about the words or language examples found in the book.
d. Find a partner whose country is south or east of your country. What similarities or differences do you notice about the cultures? What can you infer about the climate in those countries?

Differentiation Approaches

1. During guided reading students will read appropriately challenging texts trying out the skills of comparing and contrasting.
2. During strategy groups small groups of students with common needs will work with the teacher during literacy rotation.
3. During reading conferences students continue to work on individual CAFÉ goals, making adjustments as necessary.
4. Reading conferences allow teachers the opportunity for one on one intervention or enrichment as appropriate.


Informal: listen and observe to assess student’s ability to compare and contrast in whole groups and small groups.
Formal: Review graphic organizers created by students.

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

1. Students will use the Engineering Design Process to create a shoebox for their Cinderella. The size and structure and decoration of the box should represent the Cinderella in the version of the story that they read.
2. School will celebrate the students’ Cinderella work with a Family Literacy Night.
3. Students will participate in the Cinderella character themed parade.
4. Students will create artwork for a school-wide Cinderella Gallery.
5. Students will be featured on the school News program discussing the various versions of Cinderella.

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