Ruff & Gruff: Wow Words of the Three Billy Goats Gruff

Felisa Parker

Sequence including beginning, middle and end, retelling including characters, setting and major events, vocabulary and the understanding of descriptive words (adjectives) and movement (verbs). Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to recount a folktale in sequence and understand the importance of descriptive words(verbs and adjectives) in the retelling of the story.


Paper plates
Construction paper
Puppet templates
Popsicle sticks


1. Introduce the unit to students by reading different versions of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Our challenge will be to describe the goats (small, tiny, middle, large, big, hungry) the troll(big, mean, ugly) and the setting(steep hills, fresh green grass, running stream, etc.) of the story with descriptive words (adjectives).
2. We will first discuss words we think are descriptive words that describe the goats, the troll, and the setting with a stream and hills of grass.
3. I will read one of the versions of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and they will listen for words that are descriptive.
4. They will then choose a book to read with a classmate and look for words in the text that describe the characters and the setting in the story. They can list these on whiteboards.
5. The students will then draw their own goat, troll, or setting using images they have printed off from printable templates on
6. They will then write ten descriptive words for their drawing.
7. Next, they can write five sentences that use these words.

Three Billy Goats Gruff
Once upon a time there were three billy goats gruff. They all lived in a………field by a………stream, where they spent their days eating the…………..grass. I will list words on the board for them to choose from to fill in the blanks. For an extension, we could discuss words that describe the personalities or the physical description of each character.

8. We can make puppets on popsicle sticks or cut from paper plates to represent the 3 goats, the troll, the bridge and the meadow. We could put on an informance for a younger group of students. We could chant, sing a song at the end.

Differentiation Approaches

Do the informance with audio playing instead of speaking.


Informal-listen and observe to assess students ability to complete tasks with whole group and small groups.

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

1. Divide the students, one with a deep voice, one of medium voice and one with baby voice to play the part of the goats.
2. Instead of descriptive words, we will extend the lesson on verbs used in the story.

Additional Details

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