El pronostico del tiempo (green screen)

J. Ferri

Lesson Goals

Students will be able to use days of the week, numbers and weather vocabulary to give a weather forecast in Spanish.
Students will be able to use Do Ink to film themselves in front of a green screen and later drop in images.
Students will create and label in Spanish original artwork to go along with their forecast.

Students will work in groups to write and perform a weather forecast in Spanish.
Students will record their weather forecast using a green screen and drop in
student created background images.


Do Ink app
Green tablecloth or green paper
iPad (1 per group)
Student created art
Weather, days of the week, numbers vocabulary
Examples of authentic weather reports in Spanish


1. Review weather, days of the week and numbers vocabulary.
2. Brainstorm as a class what information is usually in a weather forecast.
3. Watch examples of Spanish weather forecasts listening for weather vocabulary,
days of the week and high and low temperatures (numbers).
4. Students work in groups to write a simple 3-4 day weather forecast in Spanish
including the day of the week, the weather and the high and low temperatures each day.
5. In Art, each student will draw or paint a picture showing the weather on one day of their group’s weather forecast.
6. When the weather forecast scripts are complete, students will record themselves in front of the green screen using the Do Ink app.
7. Students will add their original artwork as a background image.
8. Each group will share their video with the class.

Differentiation Approaches

Students work in teacher assigned mixed readiness pairs or groups, watch video clips at a slower speed (YouTube), find and read Spanish weather reports/maps online.


Create a rubric

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

Watch video clips of weather forecasts from Spain, Mexico, Central and South America noting the differences. Discuss Celsius vs. Fahrenheit, weather/seasons in the Northern hemisphere vs. Southern hemisphere.

Additional Details

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