This October at TR Studios, join us for a sketch comedy show where the real horror is being human. The Uproar: The Humorous Condition tackles awkward social encounters and turns the human experience inside out with sharp wit and a touch of surrealism. Local writers and a diverse cast bring original comedic characters and satirical scenarios to life in this 90-minute rollercoaster ride.
Director: Mikki Marvel
Assistant Director: Lenore Clark
Stage Manager: Josh Spector
Head Writer: Jill Cromwell
Cast: Isabella Brezenski, Maddie Durgin, Elizabeth Kutepov, Paul Lao, Austin McClure, Reid Miller, Emily Ortega, Sean Parkinson, Naja Robinson, and Ariel Griffin Smith.
Writers/Crew: Jon Berahya, Lenore Clark, Jill Cromwell, Emily Freer, Paul Lao, Roni Nicole, Antonio Washington, and Jordan Spector.
This show is rated PG-13