Interview: Discovering Your Company’s Voice

Interview: Discovering Your Company’s Voice

EbzB Productions will conduct a needs-assessment to tailor a professional development workshop for up to 50 participants. Topics may include: Customer Service, Dialogue Development, Empathy, Inclusion, Institutional Memory, Presentation Skills, Revisiting Core Values, etc. Participants will create a script based on oral interviews, which they will perform, thus developing interview, listening, writing, and presentation skills. 

“I so appreciate your work. The teachers did also. Your workshops were the highest ranking presentations for Saturday. Overwhelmingly, teachers mentioned your presentations as favorites and as ideas they will transfer into their own classrooms. Many are asking that funds be made available for you to make presentations in their schools. What a hit! You inspired so many and modeled such powerful teaching tools. You are to be congratulated.”
— Rebecca Finger, Guilford County Schools Building Bridges, Professional Development for Teachers

Artist/Presenter Background

Founded in 1998 by award-winning duo, Serena Ebhardt and David zum Brunnen, EbzB Productions, Inc. strives to develop original, touring theatrical productions to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of individuals, artists, audiences, and communities. We believe the performing arts encourage positive transformation through discoveries unveiled immediately, and over time. EbzB teaching artists are dedicated to the promotion of dramatic art as a valuable educational and professional development tool. EbzB Productions celebrates the profound impact of storytelling through theater in a repertoire of simple and compelling productions, flexibly designed for easy touring to all types of performance venues. EbzB’s productions of “War Bonds” and “The Night Before Christmas Carol” continue to be seen on PBS and CBC stations nationwide.

Additional Information

Founded in 1998 by award-winning duo, Serena Ebhardt and David zum Brunnen, EbzB Productions, Inc. strives to develop original, touring theatrical productions to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of individuals, artists, audiences, and communities. We believe the performing arts encourage positive transformation through discoveries unveiled immediately, and over time. EbzB teaching artists are dedicated to the promotion of dramatic art as a valuable educational and professional development tool. EbzB Productions celebrates the profound impact of storytelling through theater in a repertoire of simple and compelling productions, flexibly designed for easy touring to all types of performance venues. EbzB’s productions of “War Bonds” and “The Night Before Christmas Carol” continue to be seen on PBS and CBC stations nationwide.

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