Storytelling: Get Ready to Move!

Storytelling: Get Ready to Move!

Linda Gorham loves multicultural folktales, trickster tales, and stories from popular picture books. She tells them in her signature style that includes belly laughs and energetic audience participation. She gets more students on stage than any other performer! Many of her stories celebrate themes such as respect, cooperation, perseverance, and social responsibility. Linda’s stories and programs are targeted to specific grades and age groups because she understands the ‘giggle factor’ for all ages.

Typical program groupings are pre-K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.


Artist Background

Storytelling was not Linda’s first career. She enjoyed her corporate years in the Actuarial, Human Resources, Training, and Public Affairs areas. But Linda had a creative side that ‘yearned to breathe free,’ so she left corporate life and started her own storytelling business. It was different and a little scary, but it was a risk she could not ignore. Storytelling gives Linda an opportunity to expose audiences of all ages to different cultures, to teach without preaching, to spread the love of books and learning, and to travel internationally.

Linda has performed with the North Carolina Symphony, at the National Storytelling Festival, and at many storytelling festivals, museums, schools, and universities around the country. Her CDs have won several national awards, and the Wall of Names and Voices at the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough, Tennessee includes Linda’s photo and this quote: “Stories, whether family, folk, twisted or true, remind us that embellished is acceptable, simple is complex, and the joy of sharing is priceless. Share some love. Tell someone a story.”

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