Song Spun Stories

Song Spun Stories

With bagpipe, fiddle, banjo, dancing puppet, songs and stories this program celebrates the core values of collaboration, community, participation and creativity. Some stories included are; The Gingerbread Man, Jack Fills the House and The Tortoise and the Hare. Students sing, dance in their seats and clap along as well as listen deeply as the stories unfold. This program meets language arts, music and health core standards through deepening listening skills, language appreciation, exposure to a wide variety of instruments from different cultures and social emotional learning through the values of kindness, acceptance of differences and creative problem solving explored in the stories. I tailor this program to engage students in grades preK-2 and 3-5 and 6-8. If you have specific core values as a school such as Respect and Kindness I am delighted to focus on those values. Please let me know. One Step at a Time (My version of The Tortoise and the Hare)

Artist Background

I am a singer, storyteller, fiddler, piper and poet living in Asheville, NC. I have always made my living as a performer and teacher of traditional music, story and dance. I started when I was 5 years old singing in a family band! I was blessed with bedtime stories and lullabies and share my lullaby legacy wherever I go. I have been featured at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN, interviewed by Studs Terkel on WFMT and Noah Adams on NPR. I have sung with toddlers in church basements, told bedtime stories at library family nights, published two children’s picture books and seven CDs of music and presented thousands of school assembly programs, concerts and workshops across the US, Canada and as far from home as Hong Kong.

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