While Shakescenes: Residencies offer a more involved and engaging experience, Shakescenes: The Performance is available as a stand alone show for the whole school. Goals include demystifying Shakespeare and his works and to elevating students’ appreciation of Shakespeare by arming them with the tools to tackle the challenging language. The show provides an opportunity to hear four members of Burning Coal’s professional acting troupe use the language in a theatrical setting.
Artist Background
Burning Coal Theatre Company is a professional, non-profit [501 (c) (3)] theatre company that has served the Triangle for twenty-two years. We seek to invest in the students of central NC by exposing them to professional theatre training; challenging them to grow in their nerve and imagination. Its mission is to produce literate, visceral, affecting theatre that is experienced, not simply seen. Burning Coal’s Education program has reached thousands of students over the course of its existence and emphasizes process, empowerment, and personal growth through the performing arts. The groundbreaking program, Shakescenes, has been showcased at the State of Arts and Culture in Wake County.