Language is Music is Language

Language is Music is Language

LANGUAGE IS MUSIC IS LANGUAGE is for French, Spanish, and German classes. Students and teachers alike are amazed how much easier it is to learn a foreign language through singing. Drawing on her vast repertoire of songs from Europe, Canada, South America, Africa, and the United States, Elise involves students in a discovery of the musicality of Language. Each culture brings its own rich linguistic characteristics to its music and has unique rhythms and melodies to share with the rest of the world. As Elise teaches songs she puts them into their cultural context with stories that illuminate each song’s origins. Elise is also a stickler for pronunciation, and makes the speaking so much fun, that in no time students find themselves sounding like native speakers! “She taught the students culture, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary without the students even realizing it!” – Spanish Teacher, Barnesville HS; Barnesville GA


Artist Background

Elise’s concerts and workshops of create and connect singing communities around the world. Born in Switzerland, raised in NC, and living in Atlanta since 1977, Elise speaks 5 languages fluently and sings in a dozen more. The Elise Witt Choral Series features her original compositions. A beloved teacher and highly respected arts educator, Elise has created a musical career by combining her 2 passions – singing and languages. She has been singing in Wake County schools since 1988, and is on the rosters of state and local arts agencies around the US and beyond. Currently, Elise serves as Artist-in-Residence at the Global Village Project, an arts-integrated school for teenage refugee girls, in Decatur GA.

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