Kool Kente Wacky Weavings

Marla Brautman

Students will be able to create a kente cloth weaving, and will develop a respect for fabric artists! What is a weaving? What is a warp? What is a kente? Why does the color of the Kente mean?


Handout on kente color theme
Crayons (to mark their colors)
12 x 18 colored construction paper
9 x 12 colored construction paper ( two different colors)
Tempera paint
Water buckets
Books resources: a kente dress for kenya
The Seven Spools of Thread


Day 1
1. Introduce kente cloth weavings by reading the book :” A Kente dress for Kenya” by Juwanda G. Ford.
2. Discuss the meanings of colors of kente colors, and have students fill out handout of their color choices and write word meanings of their colors. Here is a link to a video of the Birthplace of the Kente Cloth: Via – discovery education

Day 2:
1. Discuss patterns! Do a dance movement about patterning. Having students stand up , one students stand the next sit, etc. Then create a with them to show patterning. for example: students can alternate standing and sitting. (dance standard)
2. Then have students using their color chart choose their colors and create a pattern on their paper with two colors.
3. If time have them create second paper.

Day 3
1. Discuss vocabulary words: weft, warp, weaving, over, under. Have students label their weft and cut on the lines to the stop sign.
2. Then separate their strips (pre-cut) into two colors a and b. (Paper clip spare papers when finished).

Day 4-5
1. Complete kente.
2. Display in hallway with Essential Standards!

Differentiation Approaches

For students that need extra help: Plan on demonstrating one individual strip, helping the student by chanting out “over and under” while they are weaving. Then have them repeat this with you.


Each student will have a completed kente weaving, using colors from their color meaning chart. Each student will demonstrate their understanding of the concept over and under through their weaving.
1. Student should have a chart with 6- 8 color choices.
2. Student should have a word attached with meaning to colors
3. Student should be able to create pattern with paint using their colors
4. Student should be able to cut weft
5. Student should be able to weave over and under to create final kente weaving
6. If student has all of these in their weaving they have reached a 3.

Follow Up and Extension Ideas

Display the weavings in the hallway as an exhibition. Also can create a large weft on the wall and have students weave a collaborative weaving together to reinforce the technique of weaving. This they can weave any type of medium through the weft!

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