United Arts Council

Checklist and Step-by-Step Guide

___ Determine a budget

___ Peruse artist directory

___ Identify programming needs

___ Attend Expo (formerly known as Cultural Arts Booking Fair)

___ Finalize action plan and confirm dates with school

___ Discuss programming with all participating teachers

___ Negotiate a tentative agreement with artist(s)

___ Submit grant application and fee

___ Receive and share notification of award

___ Complete artist(s) contracts with appropriate signatures and appropriate contract forms

___ Submit signed contracts with school’s matching payment

___ Prepare for the program by confirming details with school representatives and artist

___ Residencies only – schedule the required planning meeting between artist(s) and teachers

___ Remind administration, parents, and teachers of upcoming programming

___ Welcome and assist artist(s) as needed on program day

___ Provide an introduction for the artist and remind students of behavioral expectations

___ Complete required on-line evaluation and forward survey on to participating administrators and teachers


Jan 16

NCCMI: Performance Review 3

6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Talented students from the North Carolina Chamber Music Institute perform their fall semester repertoire for the public.

Wake County Arts & Cultural
Events Calendar

Artists in Schools

The Arts Mean

Cultural Equity


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