United Arts Council

Follow the Rules, Why???

During the lesson the students will learn why it is important to follow the rules and be a good citizen. Students will use tableau (a theater technique that will breathe...

The Drama of Addition Strategies

A lesson that incorporates drama and playwriting in order to explain why addition strategies work. The children will have had previous experience of addition strategies and are move moving on...


...hourly wages or other compensation paid to professional artistic staff, including any payroll taxes and benefits such as insurance, workers’ compensation and parking. This category includes actors, musicians, curators, etc....
Mission Support Grants

Mission Support Grants

...has closed. Download and review the 2024-2025 guidelines View the Information Session Slides Watch the Information Session Video Accessibility The United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County is committed...

Manage Your Artist Support Grant Award

...the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.” When posting to social media about a grant-funded project, grantee should tag @UnitedArtsWake on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. See logos available for download:...