United Arts Council

Ruff & Gruff: Wow Words of the Three Billy Goats Gruff

Sequence including beginning, middle and end, retelling including characters, setting and major events, vocabulary and the understanding of descriptive words (adjectives) and movement (verbs). Upon completion of this lesson, students...

See, Think, Write!

This lesson will have students work in groups to discuss and order art work based on sequence of events and create a narrative based on one of the images.

Shadow Pigs

Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to recount a folktale/fable in order and be able to convey the central message of the story through shadow puppetry.

Storytelling with Emotion

1. Discuss and familiarize students with story teller figures, narrators, and characters through folktales. 2. Students will demonstrate how emotions/feelings are conveyed through body position, facial expression, verbal and non-verbal...

The Drama of Addition Strategies

A lesson that incorporates drama and playwriting in order to explain why addition strategies work. The children will have had previous experience of addition strategies and are move moving on...

The Many Faces of Cinderella

1. Students will be able to compare and contrast two different versions of the Cinderella story. 2. Students will be able to identify the country of origin of the Cinderella...

The Point of View Variety Pack

...students will be able about to create, distinguish, develop, and interpret their own point of view through the integration of visual arts, theater arts, creative writing and English language arts....

Un poema del amor de padres a sus hijos

Amado Nervo’s “Amor filial” poem lends itself to a unique tableau representation that includes family and feelings vocabulary in a one-minute representation by collaborative groups....