United Arts Council

Lines of Life

This is lesson one of a unit. This unit explores the ideas of how lines can connect us, separate us, divide us, unit us and are woven through our world....

Math Drummer

Integrating Number Drummer with Standard 5.NF.1 to solve real word problems.

Math in Motion

The students will classify objects by physical properties, communicate dance through choreography and understand patterns, addition and subtraction using objects. Math and Dance are addressed in this lesson as a...

Musical Cents

Students will use body percussion and percussion instruments to execute given rhythm patterns and create their own, making connections between values of coins in math and note/rhythm values in music.

Musical Fairy Tales Sound Scape

Creating a soundscape for the Three Little Pigs (ELA) to learn about melody/form and the way instruments are differentiated based on how they produce sound (science/music)

Musical Jump Scene

Jump into the musical scene through green screen technology for Kindergarteners to show that music is performed in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes.

Music Blog

Students will research 15th century France and blog about significant people and events. Students will then connect, in their blog, elements of a French folk song we are studying with...

North American Regions

Students will be able to write a poem and create a visual representation about a North American region. Students will choose to create music, dramatize or dance their poem. 1....

North Carolina State Symbols Art Tour

This is a week-long lesson to teach students different symbols representing our state of North Carolina. Each day incorporates a different Arts standard, including visual art, dance, music, and theater...

Olympic Celebration!

...new technology robots who will actually play the music that the students have written while the students dance and creatively share their advertisements for the country that their classroom has...